Archive for September, 2012|Monthly archive page

<- Either way, a link to the "Mangan paper"

In Uncategorized on 26.2626.2010 at 9.43 am. 09.

Go to http://manganpaper.wordpress.com/


Hello !- The visitor is kindly referred to a new bit of reading next door, namely “A Drink With Clarence Mangan” : it features plenty to look at, “Solutions to a famous raven riddle”, news round the globe, select musical links, glimpses into mythology, studies of names, sumptuous illustrations, and poems by James Clarence Mangan (1803-1849).


So visit there, why don’t you ?- The door is always open. Once you have arrived at the other place you may use the tags as a handy index.






So please go over to http://manganpaper.wordpress.com/

Never mind this lot, sample “A Drink With Clarence Mangan”

In Uncategorized on 26.5555.2010 at 9.43 am. 09.

Go to http://manganpaper.wordpress.com/


“A Drink With Clarence Mangan” (linked just beyond these pages with one click) has answers to the Mad Hatter’s Riddle, reports on the Bob Marley sea creature Gnathia marleyi, Marxist animated cartoons of several nations, and poems by James Clarence Mangan.


Go have a look at  http://manganpaper.wordpress.com/